Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Entrepreneurship chose me....(A personal prose)

When I'm having a bad personal day, I find myself falling into the arms of entrepreneurship. Working hard to make sure the littlest of details are in order for the next event. Working hard to build and maintain my company's identity. When sleep escapes me, hunger evades me, and all I can do is let my drive and determination take over, I fall into the comfort of being a business owner because...

Entrepreneurship chose me. I didn't chose entrepreneurship.

It is inherent in my DNA. There was no escaping it. If I had chose entrepreneurship, I could leave it anytime I wanted. But entrepreneurship chose me, meaning that we are one. I can remember how it all started with me. A little bit of nature and a little bit of nurture. I've always been the kid who wanted to be different and conquer the world. My family knew me as a little hustler and just had to know that one day this little hustler would grow up to be a big time business owner.

It was those times when I sold Girl Scout cookies, candy, candles, and cheesecakes for chorus. When I planned tea parties for dolly and ensured that the concert was running smoothly, that I was hooked on the entrepreneurship bug. I knew that my life wouldn't be worthwhile if I didn't at least try to make my mark in this world. I knew that my life didn't have a full meaning until I could be the next great thing.

Entrepreneurship chose me. I didn't chose entrepreneurship.

Call me a workaholic, but I enjoy the days when I am so busy I don't realize days have gone by and the fuel from pure adrenaline has kept me going 100 mph doing seventy tasks at once. I love it most when the day of the event has arrived, my phone has one bar left, my iPod is alerting me to charge, it seems like a mad house, but things are going smoothly. Letting me know I have gone above and beyond what the client wants, making my company's light shine brighter.

Entrepreneurship chose me. I didn't chose entrepreneurship.

What I love most about being an entrepreneur is the haters and the negative people. The people who are so scared FOR you that they try to talk you out of accomplishing your dreams. When they tell me "horror" stories of someone's company who didn't make it. When they tell me I'm a fool for being unemployed and out of the work force. I simply smile a knowing smile. I think to myself, that is all a part of the risk. That's what makes it one of the scariest things of all. But I don't tell them that, I simply say to them...

I was a goner from the beginning. I didn't chose entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship chose me.

The Unemployed Entrepreneur

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