Monday, February 13, 2012

Motivational Monday: How Do You Want To Be Remembered

By now, the world has learned that music legend, Whitney Houston, has died. It is a sad moment in musical history as well as a sad moment in Black History. Whitney Houston was known for hits like "I Wanna Love Somebody," "I'm Every Woman," and her signature song, the remake to Dolly Parton's, "I Will Always Love You." Whitney Houston is also known for her roles in top movies such as The Bodyguard with Kevin Costner and Waiting to Exhale. Unfortunately, Whitney Houston has had a troubled past with illicit drugs...

Whitney Houston has accomplished so many things in her 48 years of life, but some will remember her for her crazy antics fueled by drugs and alcohol. How would you want to be remembered if you should leave this Earth today? Would you want to be remembered for the things you accomplished? The people you touched? Or the mistakes you made?

As we go through our lives making our own way, allow that question to be a constant mantra for you, "How Do I Want to Be Remembered?" When you are confused about whether or not you should experiment with things or just leave well enough alone, let that be your mantra. When you start to get discouraged because your goals aren't coming to fruition, let that be your mantra. When your peers start to pressure you to be like them, let that be your mantra.

How do you want to be remembered?

"I decided long ago never to walk in anybody's shadow; if I fail or if I succeed, at least I did as I believe."
       -Whitney Houston
Thank you Whitney for allowing us to remember you for that...not walking in anybody's shadow. You definitely succeeded.

Rest in Love.

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