Thursday, October 14, 2010

Entrepreneurs in the News: 9 awesome entrepreneurs doing big things

I came across this article in my Google Alert yesterday. This was an amazing story of young people going forth and conquering the world. These nine young entrepreneurs, between the ages of 23 and 34 were named "The Hitachi Foundation's Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs" of 2010.

"The Hitachi Foundation was established as an independent nonprofit philanthropic organization by Hitachi, Ltd. in 1985. Governed by a Board of Directors composed of highly accomplished Americans, the Foundation seeks to discover and expand business practices that create tangible and enduring economic opportunities for low-wealth Americans, their families, and the communities in which they reside."
         -The Hitachi Foundation

Not only did they create businesses that will help them create a legacy, but many of them created businesses that are support the economy, local residents, and are sustainable. For instance, "ALEX VELEZ (23) AND NIKHIL ARORA (23) founded BTTR Ventures, a 100% sustainable, for-profit urban gourmet mushroom farm employing inner-city residents." Read more on the Kansas City Star online

Check out these two and all the other awesome young entrepreneurs and see why they deserved to win the $50,000 prize, technical support, and rubbing elbows with investors. Nine Young Entrepreneurs, Each Building a Viable Business that Helps Alleviate Poverty, Named The Hitachi Foundation's Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs -

Remember, it doesn't matter at what age you decide to purpose your dream. As long as you don't let it become a distant memory.

The Unemployed Entrepreneur

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