Monday, November 8, 2010

Motivational Monday: Choices and Decision Making

As an entrepreneur and event coordinator, I am in the business of making decisions where my choices affect the outcome of a multitude of things. Sometimes I have to make a split second decision and have hope that it was the right one. Other times, I am able to take my time to make the best and most valuable decision possible.

I was recently having a conversation with a fellow business owner about a serious decision they had to make. The decision involves whether or not a particular employee should remain with the company or should be fired essentially. Although he has made a decision in his mind, it's his business partner that is having a hard time making that decision. I told him that in this situation when you can see that this person is of little value to your organization, someone has to make an executive decision because he is the catalyst hindering your company's growth.

I know many of us have a hard time making a decision because we are afraid of the effects our choices make, but honestly being indecisive can be as bad if not worse than any decision you could make.

So today, Motivational Monday is dedicated to you....the indecisive one and the decisive one.

"A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong one."
         -Rita Mae Brown

"Life is the sum of all your choices."
         -Albert Camus

The Unemployed [but Decisive] Entrepreneur

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